Deworming Services for Pets

Nobody wants to find worms in their pets’ stools – let us help you prevent that from happening!

Deworming is a necessary process to ensure your pet stays healthy. Your pet can contract harmful diseases from parasites like worms, which can cause life-long damage or even death. This simple preventative is recommended for all pets, even those who stay exclusively indoors, as they can catch worms through nursing from their mother, eating feces or infected animals, or ingesting parasitic eggs. To give your pet and your entire household protection, your loyal companion needs to be dewormed regularly.

How often should my pet be dewormed?

Deworming should be a constant process throughout your pet's life. Between the ages of 2 to 4-weeks-old your puppy or kitten should have their first round of deworming. This should be carried out every two weeks until they are 3 months old. At this age, your pet can start taking dewormer to give them immunity against all types of parasites. Once they become an adult, your pet should be dewormed every 3 months.

How are worms detected in pets?

The type of diagnostic test used to detect worms in pets is dependent on the type of worms your pet may have. To test for heartworms, a sample of your pet's blood is needed. Heartworms will release a specific protein in your pet's blood which can be detected with an antigen test. In addition to this bloodwork, your pet may also need X-rays and ultrasounds to examine internal organs for damage. Almost all other types of worms, except for tapeworms, are detected through your pet's stool. Using a microscope, our team can identify worm eggs in the sample. Tapeworms are visible to the naked eye in your pet's stool.

What are the signs that my pet has worms?

Your pet can show little to no signs in the early stages of parasitic infection. It's common for the signs to appear after the infection has progressed. You will notice any of the following:

  • Bloated stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Worms in their stool

Before these symptoms appear, you should have your pet tested and dewormed routinely. If the worms aren't treated, they can damage your pet's organs and in severe cases lead to death. Schedule a deworming appointment for your pet at 905-844-3331.

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