Bloodwork Services for Pets

The perfect test to detect any underlying diseases that your pet may potentially have.

Blood tests are a vital tool used in veterinary medicine. Here at the Animal Hospital of Oakville, we have an in-house laboratory where we analyze blood, urine, and fecal matter. Blood tests are often used to diagnose health conditions in pets, but there are other occasions where a veterinarian will recommend the procedure. Drawing blood is a quick and easy process and our staff is highly trained to make your pet calm and comfortable all throughout.

What are signs my pet is sick and needs bloodwork done?

From your pet's bloodwork, a veterinarian can diagnose allergies, heart disease, anemia, parasites, pregnancies, and more. Your pet may need bloodwork if you notice the following symptoms:

  1. Pale skin
  2. Fever
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Aggression
  6. Weight loss

To discuss these symptoms with one of our veterinarians, call us at 905-844-3331.

Should my pet fast before they have bloodwork done?

Ideally, your pet should fast for about 6 hours before they have bloodwork done. If they consume food within those hours the blood sample may have fat droplets that can interfere with the results. However, we recommend checking with our team prior to the appointment and we will direct you accordingly.

Why do healthy pets need bloodwork done?

Along with diagnosing your sick pets, bloodwork is also used to understand your pet's baseline health levels. If your pet is healthy, their results will be kept on their medical records and used for comparison in the future. Your pet's blood work will show their complete blood count (CBC) which provides information about infections, immune response, anemia, blood clotting ability, and hydration levels. Healthy pets may need blood work to:

  • Ensure your pet is healthy for an upcoming surgery or procedure that uses anesthesia
  • Monitor a known health issue or learn how a new medication will interact with their body
  • Detect age-related illnesses early – especially for seniors – during a wellness check
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